Game Progress Route for Scarlet Nexus features information regarding a recommended progression path for the main campaign of the game, it aims to provide important points of the game to avoid any missing important aspects such as relevant Locations, NPCs, Items, as well as involved boss encounters. If you would like to check a detailed guide, please visit our Walkthrough page for Scarlet Nexus.


Scarlet Nexus Game Progress Route


Yuito Sumeragi

Suoh City Ryujin Ward



  • Phase 0


  1. Complete the Tutorial
  2. Roam Around the Streets of Suoh City Ryujin Ward
  3. Interact with Satori the Archivist
  4. Enter the Sumeragi Tomb Grounds
  5. Proceed to the Main Street of Suoh City
  6. Defeat the Others
  7. Fight alongside Kasane Randall
  8. Return to the OSF Headquarters



The time has come for the end of OSF training, the enlistment qualification test. Cadet Yuto Sumeragi endured the pain of SAS cable connection and passed his test. Tomorrow, Yuito will be a real member of the Other Suppression Force.


Yuito goes with his best friend from training, Nagi Karman, to the Sumeragi Tomb to inform his ancestors about joining the OSF. Afterwad, there is a sudden attack on the city by brain-eating "Others". However, the Septentrions Karen Travers and Fubuki Spring, elite among the OSF, deploy quickly and defeat them.

Yuito and Nagi also choose to fight to help those people who were late to take shelter. During that fight, Yuito meets Kasane Randall, a girl who looks just like the person who saved his life from the Others when he was a child.






  • Phase 1


  1. Travel to Kikuchiba with Hanabi Ichijo
  2. Maneuver your way until you reach the Construction Site
  3. Defeat the Gunkin Perry
  4. Return to Suoh City Ryujin Ward
  5. Travel to Mizuhagawa District
  6. Find and help Arashi Spring and Gemma Garrison
  7. Reach the Hideout
  8. Enter the Standby Phase
  9. Speak to your Allies/Answer Brain Messages
  10. Partake in available Bond Episodes



Yuito formally enlists in the OSF and is assigned to Seto Platoon, commanded by Septentrion Seto Narukami. He joins with his childhood friend Hanabi Ichijo, and heads to Kikuchiba for their first mission and field training.

Yuito's group undertake their mission in the abandoned city of Kikuchiba with support from Wataru Frazer, Seto Platoon's operator. They arrive at the first objective point, but a major Other suddenly appears. They defeat the Other with Seto's help, and Yuito becomes the focus of the media drones' attention.


After returnint to Suoh, Yuito and the others run into Kyoka Platoon, commanded by Kyoka Eden, and talk with Kasane and her sister Naomi. Yuito asks Kasane if they had met before, but she doesn't seem to recognize him and treats him indifferently. On the other hand, the Septentrion Karen tells Yuito he expects good things from him. He is elated and confused by this unexpected prais, and then receive a rescue request from Arashi Spring from Kodama Platoon.

Yuito joins Arashi and Gemma Garrison in their fight against a Major Other. Together they defeat it. The three head to the Sumeragi shelter (Hideout) to treat Gemma's injuries and rest. Yuito is surprised to discover that Arashi is the older sister of Septentrion Fubuki, the regiment commander.



OSF HQ / Abandoned Subway



  • Phase 2


  1. Return to OSF Headquarters to partake in the training
  2. Team up with Kagero and Shiden to claim the goal
  3. Reach the Mid-Level Shoppoing District of the virtual area of Kikuchiba
  4. Defeat Kasane Randall
  5. Travel to the Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9
  6. Reach the Inside Abandoned Line and rendezvous with Naomi Randall
  7. Reach Osukuni Station
  8. Defeat the mutated Naomi Randall
  9. Chase after Kasane Randall
  10. Enter the Standby Phase
  11. Speak to your Allies/Answer Brain Messages
  12. Partake in available Bond Episodes



Yuito suddenly finds himself in the Sumeragi Tomb but doesn't remember going there. Confused, he receveis a message from Nagi about a field exerccise at the training facility. He returns to OSF Headquarters.

Yuito is picked as the leader of a training team consisting of Kagero Donne and Shiden Ritter. Kasane's team attempts to ambush Yuito's team near the goal, but Yuito manages to complete the training exercise. Kasasne seems to recognize his abilities.


Seto Platoon is dispatched to the Abandoned Subway. They receive a distress call from Kyoka Platoon after becoming isolated due to the Extinction Belt jamming their communications. The platoons link up as the destruction from the Other attacks continues. Naomi throws herself in front of Kasane and is shot. She metamorphoses and turns into an Other. Yuito fights reluctantly. Kasane stans in his way to protect Naomi, but her sister is taken away by the Seiran garrison. Fubuki confiscates them and swears them to silence about the metamorphosis. Yuito hides two ampouls in secret with Kasasne.



Kunad Highway



  • Phase 3


  1. Team up with Hanabi Ichijo and Kagero Donne
  2. Answer the distress call in Kunad Highway
  3. Fight through the Others until reaching the Junction
  4. Withstand and fight aginst Karen Travers
  5. Defeat the enemies ahead and find any surviving members of the OSF
  6. Team up with Kasane to take out the Winery Chinery



There is an Other forecast at Kunad Highway. Karen orders the Seto Platoon to deploy there. Nagi was discharged from the hospital after being wounded. He joins Seto Platoon at the abandoned subway. Strangely, he doesn't remember that Naomi became an Other.

Yuito's group is attacked by Gemma's OSF platoon and Karen. Kasane arrives to help them fight, but Karen forces Yuito away from the group. Yuito manages to get back together with Nagi, Seto, and Kasane. Kasane tries to talk about Naomi, but Nagi goes mad.


Seto is killed as he tries to stop his attack. Kasane's power goes out of control from the shock, and she and Yuito are sent to a strange place where they see Yakumo, the founder of the nation, being murdered. Yuito loses consciousness and wakes up back at Kunad Highway. he regroups with Hanabi, Gemma, and Tsugumi. Kasasne on the other hand has disappeared, and there is a gigantic gravitational disturbance in the air.



Suoh City Ryujin Ward



  • Phase 4


  1. Defeat the Others and Seiran soldiers in Suoh City
  2. Make haste back to OSF Headquarters
  3. Defeat Kasane Randall



The city computer Arahabaki shuts down. While the defense system is offline, Others invade Suoh. Yuito runs into Fubuki there and learns that Karen is colluding with Seiran to start a rebellion. Yuito sees his father, Joe Sumeragi, badly wounded with Kasane standing nearby. Kasane tries to kill Yuito for some reason, and he fights back in confusion.


He takes a risk and activates the Brain Field to stop Kasane. He askks her why she is trying to kill him during the fight, but their communications are suddenly hijacked. A speech by Karen starts to broadcast throughout the city. He criticizes the New Himuka government and declares a revolutionary war along with Seiran. Kasane uses that opportunity to escape, and Joe passes away.



Old OSF Hospital / Kikuchiba



  • Phase 5


  1. Start off at the OSF Hospital
  2. Travel to the Old OSF Hospital
  3. Look for Nagi Karman
  4. Escape the Old OSF Hospital
  5. Defeat the Gunkin Fisher
  6. Return to Kikuchiba
  7. Reach the Second Level of Kikuchiba
  8. Confront Kasane Randall
  9. Defeat Arashi, Kagero, and Kasane



Yuito thought he was at the Hideout, but suddenly finds himself in Suoh City. Yuito is made commander of a platoon with one of the Septentrions, Luka Travers. However, he doesn't remember any of that happening. When he is examined at the OSF Hospital, he is told his brain was in a temporary disorder. His brother, Kaito Sumeragi, chief of the OSF and government, requested that he be hailed as a hero.While Yuito is waiting for his prescription, Tsugumi notices someone she things is Nagi on a bus underground. Wanting to speak with Nagi, Yuito chases after the bus.

Yuito's group arrives at the former OSF Hospital, and they find Nagi. He tells them tor un if they don't want to be personality rehabilitation victimes like him or turned into Others. They are attacked by waves of Others, and Luka says they need to escape. Yuito leaves Nagi behind and follows Fubuki out. Fubuki knows that New Himuka has been performing research on powers in the old hospital.

He says that this research's by-products gave birth to personality rehabilitation techniques that brainwash people and methods to metamorphose people into Others. Nagi underwent personality rehabilitation because he saw Naomi metamorphose. Knowing this puts Yuito's group in a dangerous situation, so they go on a patrol mission far from Suoh City while Fubuki works independently.


According to LukaFubuki's old fiance Alice metamorphosed like Naomi. Karen and Fubuki learned of the government's dark dealings when trying to discover the reason for her metamorphosis. Yuito says that if it was the government's plan, his father and brother would have known about it. They talk while they patrol Kikuchiba and Kasane attacks. Yuito hesitantly fights and dodges her, but when he tries to speak with her, Kodama appears. Kasane's group uses this opportunity to escape. Yuito receives the medicine prescribed to him by the OSF Hospital from Kodama. It is the same ampoule that they found when Naomi metamorphosed.



Mizuhagawa / Research Facility



  • Phase 6


  1. Gather intel at Mizuhagawa
  2. Defeat the Others
  3. Defeat Kagero Donne and Kyoka Eden
  4. Interact with Door No. 1 to obtain Key Card No. 1
  5. Find Key Card No. 2
  6. Find Key Card No. 3
  7. Find Key Card No. 4
  8. Unlock Door No. 4 to reach the secret facility
  9. Defeat Arashi, Shiden, and Kasane
  10. Speak to your Allies/Answer Brain Messages
  11. Partake in available Bond Episodes



Fubuki arrives at the hideout and tells everyone that he investigated the government's motives by forcibly progressing power research from the inside and trying to make New Himuka better in a different way than Karen. Hearing that they can learn the information the government is hiding if they get clsoe to Arahabaki, Yuito offers to help and leaves for Mizuhagawa to gather information.

Yuito loses his memory again on a missio and begins losing his ability to speak. When Others attack, Yuito realizes he's in danger. He takes the medicine in the ampoul he got from the hospital and recovers. As they continue their mission, Tsugumi spots an OSF transport vehicle heading toward Seiran. Kyoka and Kagero attack suddenly, but their attack seesm meant to only buy time, and they retreat. Yuito's group decides to go where they think the two fled to.


Yuito's group arrives at a mysterious facility. They learn that the ampouls like the one Yuito drank are made from the human brains transported here. While they are still in shock from discovering this, Kasane's group attacks. When Yuito presses Kasane, she tells him the facility is a factory that transplants dead humans' brains into Others. Their goal is to turn them into Weaponized Others and use their brains for a drug that nourishes Others. Kasane hates the drug because of what happened to Naomi. When Yuito's brain begins to have problems again, Kasane's group retreats. Yuito leaves along with his allies, suffering from realizing that he took a drug made from human brains.



Old OSF Hospital



  • Phase 7


  1. Meet Fubuki
  2. Fight Nagi



Fubuki summons Yuito, and Yuito asks him about the atrocious experiments being conducted in Suoh and Seiran. Fubuki tells him that both sides are trying to develop weapons against the Others. Fubuki suggests using the city computer Arahabaki to transmit the memory data of the moment Naomi became an Other to all the citizens' minds. This will create doubts in the minds of the people and break the government's control. Yuito decides to infiltrate the Old OSF Hospital again to search for the memory data that should have been taken from Nagi during his personality rehabilitation.


A personality rehabilitated Nagi suddenly attacks Yuito's group, but Yuito's brain develops an abnormality again during the fight. He loses his memory. Yuito wakes up in the facility's custody and discovers that he used to be a dud. He also learns that his brain is damaged each time he uses his power. He managesd to escape with the help of Fubuki and his friends, then Karen appears. He tells Yuito that he has been branded as a traitor by the government and invites him to join Seiran. Yuito refuses and Karen tells him about the religious nation of ´ that even the government can't touch. A cutscene will begin and the Standby Phase at the Hideout will commence. This will be the opportunity to begin any available Bond Episodes. Wataru will meet the team at the hideout and also provide a Key-Code Generator from General Fubuki. This is also where Yuito will reveal that he is a dud to the team. 



Hieno Mountain



  • Phase 8


  1. Complete Collecting Pieces of Unknown History
  2. Reach Togetsu
  3. Collect Data
  4. Rescue Kasane's Platoon
  5. Escape Togetsu
  6. Partake in Bond Episodes



After a discussion on where to go next, the team heads to Hieno Mountain to find out more about what they can use against Suoh and Seiran. Clear the enemies and reach the end of the cut path.


This will take you to Togetsu. The team will be greeted and welcomed by Togetsu Faithful. The team will follow them and they will tell you to speak to History. They will be greeted by a Vision that looks just like Kyoka. They will reveal that this form belongs to Dr. Hitoyo Pope,  expert in neuroscience and power research and the founder of Togetsu Faith. After a while, they will ask a question that the terminal is not permitted to answer and shuts off. Investigate the other terminals to gather more data and information.

This is where they will find out that people moved to the moon and back down to earth. When Luka asks if there are still people in the moon, the system shuts down again. Tsugumi will be the next to attempt to to ask the same question, but the terminal will inform them that all communication from the moon has been suspended. They will also find out that the Extinction Belt appeared after the colonists came to earth and the Others only started appearing long after the Extinction Belt was put in place. This is where it will mention BABE and they will find out that the Kunad Gate is expected to swallow Earth in the near future and that Yuito will have something to do with it. They will need to acquire more data on BABE from the BABE terminal.  Kasane will send an SOS to warn Yuito to disconnect with the terminal and they will need to escape the area. Once they exit through the mountain and are in the clear, they will encounter Kasane and her Platoon. Kasane will explain that she only tried to kill Yuito because he had asked her to 50 years into the future. They will discover that his power affects the Kunad gate. Kagero will also reveal that the faith is all a lie and that he was a colonist from the moon and that people want to go back in time and prevent this all from happening. The idea was to take only a portion of the Earth back in time. Proof of this possibility is prevalent in Kasane's abilities and the red strings. They have decided that they have to split up to stop Togetsu's plan. This will take you back to the hideout to begin the next standby phase. 




Suoh City



  • Phase 9


  1. Complete Eternal Vow Eternal Bond
  2. Defeat Nagi Karman
  3. Head to the OSF Headquarters
  4. Go to the Arahbaki Secure Site



This quest begins with an announcement of a state of emergency. Tsugumi will see that the area is surrounded by National Defense Forces that are just hiding. Nagi Karman will approach and initiate another Boss Fight. They will defeat Nagi and for a while before his death, he will be himself. Yuito will want to see his brother. They will head into the OSF Headquarters. This is where they will meet Kaito Sumeragi, and they will confirm that his brother was the one who sent Nagi after them. He had to be rehabilitated due to his discovery of metamorphosis.  During their confrontation, the alarm rings, and they are forced to leave. Once they get to a safe area, Wataru will admit that he was recording the whole conversation. The new plan is to access Arahabaki to send the data to everyone in New Himuka. Arahabaki Secure Site will be added to the map. They will encounter Others on the way in.




Arahabaki Secure Site



  • Phase 9


  1. Reach Arahabaki Secure Site
  2. Obtain Video Data and send it out
  3. Clear the Boss Battle against Karen Travers
  4. Wake up from the Brain Field State
  5. Leave the area
  6. Partake in Bond Episodes



Clear the area to reach the Arahabaki Secure Site. At the end of the route, the team will lose signal but will still obtain Video Data of the Conversation with Kaito. Yuito will proceed to send out the video. Karen Travers will appear in the area and will threaten Yuito to give him his power and a boss fight will be initiated. 


Just as the Boss battle is ending, the platoon is struck by the red strings and they are immobilized. Karen uses Yuito's power to travel through time and disappears. Yuito will have his memories laid out in front of him and as he walks through them, they disappear. For a while, Yuiyo will not know who he is and will fall unconscious. The next voice he hears is Kasane's. His Platoon along with Kasane's will start calling out to him and the last thing he will see is a memory of his mother before he wakes up. It was Kasane who suggest connecting their SAS cables to send their memories of him to him. Both teams will leave the area together. When they return to Suoh, the area will be in chaos. They will be greeted by General Fubuki Spring. He will inform them hat Togetsu is after Yuito and he managed to take out the Togetsu detachment with the help of Seiran. He will suggest getting somewhere safe before finally falling unconscious. This will take you into the Hideout where both Platoons will now share the space.


Arahabaki Secure Site



  • Phase 10


  1. Conclusion and an Accidental Meeting
  2.  Reach Togetsu
  3. Shut down BABE
  4. Escape the are
  5. Escape the Court Mort
  6. Leave the area
  7. Travel back in time to meet Wakana
  8. Partake in Bond Episdoes



The new plan is to ultimately shut down BABE and to use General Fubuki Spring for negotiations between New Himuka government and the Seiron provisional government. Kagero will want to privately speak to Yuito and will leave the area to meet him in Kikuchiba. Kasane will then also have something to tell everyone else. Clear Enemies in your way in Kikuchiba. Once you reach Kagero, he will admit that he was the one who killed his father, Joe Sumeragi. You will then enter a boss fight with Kagero. Kagero will then talk about their history and how he left his family behind. His original task was to make Earth fail. The next task would be to head to Togetsu. Cut through Hieno Mountains and clear the Enemies on the way. Reach the midpoint to activate a cutscene. 


The teams use SAS: Invisibility to enter Togetsu. It seems the Design Children were expecting them and they are forced to teleport closer to BABE using Luka's SAS: Teleportation. They will be greeted by a group of Others. Once they reach BABE, they will be faced with a vision and both Yuito and Kasane will call her "mom." The terminal will admit to using human brains as parts for BABE. They will be forced to leave and Tsugumi will sense a big Other on its way. The Court Mort battle will commence and you will be forced to run instead of fighting it. Once they escape the area, BABE wll implement emergency procedures and it will appear to have shut down. Since they no longer have access to the research data, they will need to look for someone who is knowledgable about it. Luka will suggest someone who knows about the red strings, Wakana. Kasane will then want to use the red strings to ask her directly. The team will then soon find their way to the Kunad Gate. They will choose to travel back to October 2009, at the Old OSF Hospital where they can find Wakana. They will decide Kasane needs to go on her own. As they jump, the Kunad gate will start reacting. The next scene will cut to a young Yuito and Wakana playing hide and seek. Wakana will reveal that BABE had transferred its data to her. She says that as long as Yuito lives, the world will be destroyed by the Kunad Gate, unless she can help. She requests to return to the present. An attack will occur and you will be playing as younger Yuito. It will be Kasane who saves his life just like the memory he keeps bringing up. Yuito will then wake up and Wakana will come back with Kasane. Once they return to the Hideout, the next standby phase will occur. This is where more Bond Episodes can be completed.


Kunad Highway



  • Phase 11


  1. Feeling Unraveled Time Together Quest
  2. Travel to the Chronos Terminal
  3. Unravel the Entanglements
  4. Parktake in Bond Episodes



They will have some time to catch up at the Hideout, then they will be told Yuito and Kasnae will have to enter the Kunad Gate to unravel the entanglements. They will both then need to travel to the Chronos Terminal. This is where they will encounter Others from their memories. Clear the area as Wakana leads you to the different entanglements. 


Kasane will then ask Yuito if he wanted to change time. After unraveling all the entanglements, they will be pulled back and Wakana will leave. Wakana will return to her time, but will have left them both a message at the Brain terminal. A cutscene of Wakana will show her giving up her brain as she remembers her loved ones for the last time. The Kunad Gate will still remain. They will then talk about their vision that Yakumo Sumeragi was assassinated by Karen, which previously has not happened. They will realize that maybe not all the entanglements were unraveled because of Karen who had previously copied Kasanes powers and traveled back in time. Yuito will then recall what Kaito has said before, that Yakumo was asleep under Suoh and they will decide to look for him themselves so that he can unravel the entanglement. The Standby Phase will then begin. 


Sumeragi Tomb



  • Phase 12


  1. Path to the Future and Freedom Quest
  2. Enter Sumeragi Tomb
  3. Clear the Others
  4. Locate Karen Travers
  5. Defeat Karem Travers



Wataru will say they are asked to go to Sumeragi Tomb.  As they arrive, a cutscene will begin. They will be met with Kaito who expresses how proud he is of Yuito for avenging the mother's plan. The teams will then proceed to enter through Sumeragi Tomb. It'll be one straight route until their signal is interrupted and they are met with a vision of OSF Headquarters and a number of Others. Another scene will appear after cleaning the others featuring Karen, Fubuki, and Alice Ichijo. As they proceed forward, more of what appears to be Karen's memories will appear. Continue forward and the third memory will appear after stepping onto the field. Alice will push Karen out of the way before she is suddenly transformed into an Other when she came into contact with the Extinction Belt.


Continue through the tomb while clearing Others. Follow the path to the end to trigger a cutscene. A masked figure will reveal himself to also be Karen. Both Karens will converse and one will disappear. Karen is still trying to obtain the Red Strings and they will find out that they incorporated a living human, Yakumo, into Arahabaki. Arahabaki was also used to generate a brain field to conceal this current location. Karen will want to time travel while the teams try to reason with him. They fight him to prevent him from time traveling and creating another entanglement. Suddenly his memories and feelings will start to materialize as other forms and figures. 


Suddenly Yutio will find himself alone and he will be fighting against Karen himself, but he confirms that he feels his teams connections and they continue to fight alongside him. As Yuito finds himself in trouble Kasane will appear and help him once more before they are reunited with everyone else again. The team will finally use their bonds and combined strength to fight against Karen and defeat him. Karen will want to continue to fight until Fubuki steps in between. Fubuki tries to comfort him and tells him that he has to find a way to live in this world without Alice. The team will ask one more time for help unraveling the entanglement. Karen will make one last suggestion- to use Arahabaki to enhance their powers and move the Extinction Belt into the Kunad gates and solve two problems at once. Together, they head to the Kunad Gate. They finally allow Karen to copy their powers and they make the attempt to move the extinction belt and it starts to work. The last thing to do is to enter directly into the Chronus Terminal. But Karen will go back on his word and will jump through time one last time to look for Alice. The red strings will start to appear and they will find that the Kunad Gate has closed thanks to Karen and the story will end here.  


Kasane Randall

Suoh City Ryujin Ward



  • Phase 0


  1. Complete the Turorial
  2. Roam Around the Streets of Suoh City Ryujin Ward
  3. Interact with Satori the Archivist
  4. Enter the Sumeragi Tomb Grounds
  5. Proceed to the Main Street of Suoh City
  6. Fight against he others with Yuito Sumeragi
  7. Return to the OSF Headquarters



The time has come for the end of OSF training, the enlistment qualification test. Cadets Kasane Randall and her sister, Naomi Randall endured the pain of SAS cable connection and passed his test. Tomorrow, Yuito will be a real member of the Other Suppression Force. Her aptitude test will now begin. This will also act as the initial tutorial. Once her training ends, the examiner will announce that Kasane will be an official member of the OSF from tomorrow and will have 24 hours of free time until then.

Kasane will find herself at the Suoh City Ryujin Ward where she will meet her sister, Naomi. Naomi will bring up Kasane's dream about the red strings, but Kasane brushes that off. Then they both head to Sumeragi Tomb to explore. They will then get their fortunes done and come across Yuito Sumeragi and Nagi Karman. Since they haven't met yet, they will not interact. Shortly after they leave Sumeragi Tomb, they will be interrupted with an Other Alert. This is where Septentrions Karen and Fubuki are first encounterd and the sisters will attempt to evacuate. Just as they are leaving they encounter another situation and decide to help. They will also encounter Yutio and Nagi again and will decide to help them as well. Soon after, they will be introduced to Luka Travers and Arashi Spring. As they head back towards OSF headquarters they will be stopped by reporters and will also be introduced to the other platoons. 





  • Phase 1


  1. Travel to Mizuhagawa District for the first mission
  2. Reach the Construction Site
  3. Defeat the Dispen Perry
  4. Return to Suoh City Ryujin Ward
  5. Meet the Seto Platoon in Kikuchiba
  6. Help Kagero Donne and Captain Seto
  7. Reach the Hideout
  8. Enter the Standby Phase
  9. Answer Brain Messages
  10. Partake in available Bond Episodes


The Randall sisters will introduce themselves officially to the rest of the OSF Kyoka Platoon. They will also be officially introduced to Kyoka Eden, Shiden Ritter, Gemma Garrison, and Haruka Frazer.  

Kasane's group will begin their mission in Mizuhagawa District with support from Haruka. A major other, Dispen Perry will appear. Upon its defeat, the crows will appear and Arashi Spring will help lead them away.  

As they return to Suoh, they run into the Seto Platoon before heading back to headquarters. Just as they were allowed to rest, they receive a reinforcement request from Seto Platoon in Kikuchuba. They will need to clear the others in the area rest after Captain Seto receives a bad injury. Kasane suggests using the Randall Shelter unit as a Hideout. The teams head there to treat Captain Seto's injuries before entering the Standby Phase. 



OSF HQ / Abandoned Subway



  • Phase 2


  1. Return to OSF Headquarters to partake in the training
  2. Team up with Hanabi Ichijo and Tsugumi Nazar to claim the goal
  3. Reach the Mid-Level Shopping District of the virtual area of Kikuchiba
  4. Defeat Yutio Sumeragi
  5. Travel to the Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9
  6. Clear the Others
  7. Chase after the metamorphosed Naomi Randall
  8. Enter the Standby Phase
  9. Speak to your Allies/Answer Brain Messages
  10. Partake in available Bond Episodes



The teams are sent out to do a training exercise and they are rediveded into teams of three. Kasane is paired with Hanabi Ichijo and Tsugumi Nazar. Kasane comes up with a plan to ambus teams who have already found the flag. Tsugumi is tasked to let them know when the flag is nearby while Kasane continues to do her background check on Yuito for Naomi by asking Hanabi a few questions. The flag comes into range and they encounter Yuito's team and they fight until Kasane obtains the Field Exercise Flag Data


Next, the Kyoka Platoon will head to the Abandoned Subway where they will join with other teams to clear the Others in the area. Mid-fight, Naomi pushes Kasane out of the way and Metamorphoses into an other and Kasane defends the other from being harmed. Other OSF appear and the Naomi is transferred away. As Kasane runs off to look for her, Karen Travers holds her back. He asks for Kasane's trust and for her cooperation to secrecy. He also tells her not to trust New Himuka. Yuito reveals the two ampoules he retrieved and they agree to keep it to themselves. Before they enter the next Standby Phase in the Hideout, Kodoma Melone intrudes and starts to fight the team after Kasane tells Shiden that her sister died in battle.


Kunad Highway



  • Phase 3


  1. Follow the man from Randall Industries
  2. Fight Shiden Ritter
  3. Head to Kunad Highway
  4. Help Yuito and Nagi
  5. Defeat the Winery Chinery
  6. Defeat the mysterious man -Yuito
  7. Talk to Yuito
  8. Partake in available Bond Episodes


Kasane's mom will leave her a message and ask her not to contact her after they find out about the death of Naomi.  Then, Kasane will notice a suspicious man from Randall industries and follow him to Karen. Karen will see her and will take her to a secure location where she will wake up with Shiden Ritter standing guard. The rest of the platoon will join them to rescue Kasane and she will cover up for Shiden. Now they all know about Karen's rebellion Kasane overheard and have to head to Kunad Highway.

They will collide with Seto's Platoon. Luka will face his brother first and everyone will back him up.  Suddenly the Others will appear and they will be forced to run until they see Yuito and Nagi are also in trouble. Nagi will suddenly turn against them and Captain Seto will be forced to put himself in between them to save Kasane and Yuito. This will put Kasane and Yuito in a Brain Field state and it will begin the Phase 4 Standby Phase. They will then discuss Kasane's recurring dream and have to address the new void that appeared on Kunad Highway and they will find themselves in a Suoh City ruin. Karen will also appear and will be carrying General Fubuki. Karen will copy Kasane's power then leave. 

The team will come across Yuito from the future and will bring up the Kunad Gate portal they created on Kunad Highway. He explained that it will continue to grow and will eventually destroy the earth. The gate was caused by the resonance of Kasane's and Yuito's time-traveling power and Yuito convinces Kasane that he will have to be killed to prevent this future from occurring. He will also then tell Kasane that it was New Himuka, lead by his father's research that caused Naomi to turn into an other. She will find herself back in the present and they will discuss Yuito's fate. 


Suoh City



  • Phase 4


  1. The Point of No Return
  2. Locate Chairman Sumeragi
  3. Fight Yuito Sumeragi
  4. Escape the area
  5. Partake in Bond Episodes


 As they roam through Suoh, they will be informed that the area is now infested with Others due to the shut down of their defense system. Eventually, the city's vision will also go down, which means Arahabaki will have shut down. They will find out from a stranger that Chairman Sumeragi has been attacked. Kasane will catch a glimpse of Kagero Donne holding a knife just before he disappears and find Joe Sumeragi dying.


Just at that moment, Yuito and his team catch Kasane holding the knife over Joe's body, then Kasane will initiate an attack against Yuito. She will use her brain field and they will continue their fight in the Brain Field state. A speech by Karen starts to broadcast throughout the city. He criticizes the New Himuka government and declares a revolutionary war along with Seiran. Kasane uses that opportunity to escape, and Joe passes away. They will rejoin with Kagero and he will be confronted as to why he killed the Chairman. They will manage to catch up with Karen and they he will confirm that it was New Himuka that turned Naomi into an Other. Then she will decide that she will go to Seiran too. This will then first take them into the Hideout for the next standby phase. 



Supernatural Life Research Facility



  • Phase 5 / 6


  1. Confront Karen Travers for more information
  2. Escort the intestagion team to the Kunad Gate
  3. Investigate the Supernatural Life Research Facility
  4. Obtain Key Card No. 1
  5. Obtain Key Card No. 2
  6. Obtain Key Card No. 3
  7. Obtain Key Card No. 4
  8. Defeat Rotunda Pagoda
  9. Follow Naomi Randall's Voice


The team will confront Karen Travers. he will show them the state of the Kunad Gate. They will be sent back to the Kunad Highway as members of the OSF for Seiran to escort the investigation team. Karen will confront Kasane about jumping into the future. Back in the hideout, the platoon will continue to confront Kagero for letting Kasane take the fall for the assassination of Chairman Joe Sumeragi. The team will decide to keep each other updated on the lab investigation, but keep Karen or Seiran out of the loop for this mission. 

The team will discover the production of Ampoules. They will also discover a video that shows that they are transporting human brains into others that were originally human. The team will eventually establish a connection with Naomi Randall and they will discover her as an Other. She reveals that the ampoules help her communicate just as her ampoule is running out. Karen will arrive and tell Kasane that he needs her power to help revert Naomi back into a human. He will tell them to return to Seiran. 




Phase: 6

  • Phase 


  1. Head to Kikuchiba
  2. Attack Yuito and his Team


Once in Seiran, a Seiran Government Official will task Kasane to assassinate Yuito Sumeragi and she agrees. She locates Yuito and his team in Kikuchiba and attacks them. Just as they start to talk they are interrupted by Kodama which will force them to return to the Hideout and discuss Kasane's decision to assassinateYuito.  


Supernatural Life Research Facility



  • Phase 6 & 7


  1. Respond to reinforcement request
  2. Locate the Transport truck
  3. Bring them to the Supernatural Life Research Facility
  4. Fight Kodame Melone
  5. Escort the Truck
  6. Unload the cargo
  7. Arrive at the hiding spot
  8. Attack Yuito Platoon
  9. Check on Naomi
  10. Partake in any available Bond Episodes


Haruka will inform the platoon that they received a request for reinforcements by a transport team nearby. They will be able to locate a Serian OSF member and he will tell them to escort the truck to the Supernatural Life Research Facility. Once they arrive at the transport trauck. This is where they will encounter Kodama who will be searching through the truck and they will be forced to fight her until she manages to escape. Kasane, Arashi and Shiden will be left to escort the truck. When they hear back from Kyoka, they will find out it was Yuito Platoon that was detected in the area and they were forced to fight them. One of the cargo boxes will unlock, and the will find human heads.

Just as they discover the purpose of the human heads, Haruka will be inform them of the arrival of the intruders - Yuito Platoon. Refusing this assignment to get rid of them will force the facility to bury the evidence including Naomi. Kasane will decide to hide and ambush them. They will then decide to pretend to fight the Yuito platoon and put on a show for Seiran. A government official will intrude until they are forced to disconnect, which leaves Kasane free to talk to Yuito. Arashi will then pull the alarm and they will end their encounter.

Kasane will run off to check on Naomi and they will catch her in distress upon finding out that they used human brains for her medication. Karen will tell the team to leave so they could have a talk. Their next destination appears to be Togetsu, the source of the cargo. They decide to go there next to investage possible ways to help Naomi. This will begin the next Standby Phase in the Hideout.





  • Phase 8


  1. They Speak of the Hidden Past
  2. Travel to Hieno Mountain
  3. Reach Togetsu 
  4. Defeat the Coil Moil
  5. Retrieve the rest of the Platoon
  6. Leave Togetsu
  7. Fight Kyoka
  8. Meet with Yuito Platoon
  9. Partake in Bond Episodes



The team will make their way through Hieno Mountain to reach Togetsu and investigate the are for more information on the cargo.  On the way to Togetsu, there will be a few Others and enemies on the way. Defeat the Coil Moil to get through. Before reaching Togetsu, Kagero will leave. The Togetsu faithful will greet Kasane especially and she will be informed that she is from Togetsu. Kasane will start to ask questions about the human brains but they are only willing to speak to Kasane. Kyoka lookalikes will tart to take her team away one by one and they will put Kasane to sleep.

Kasane will then start to dream of her time in Togetsu. She will also witness her mother's death and realize she was also an artificially created psionic that they were trying to provoke in order to gain control of her powers and be able to trigger it on command. She will watch her mother die just before she wakes up. She will soon wake up in a room where she will find Kagero and he will tell her that Yuito has arrived as well. Kasane will manage to form a brain connection with Yuito and will yell at him to cut the connection. Shortly after, the alarms will go off and they will be forced to leave. Kyoka will follow and attack at first, until it appears that Kyoka has returned to her real self. She will reveal that she is a secret spy from Togetsu sent to protect Kasane. She will also reveal that she has the form and memories of Dr. Himoyo Pope and one of the design children clones. They will soon come into contact with Yuito Platoon to exchange intel. They will form a new plan and send Yuito to New Himuka while Kasane and the team will try to explain the situation to Seiron. This will take them into the next Standby Phase at the Hideout.


Mizuhagawa District



  • Phase 9


  1. Protecting Loves and Protected Lives
  2. Head to Mizuhagawa District
  3. Fight Kodama Melone and her twin
  4. Reach Naomi 
  5. Partake in available Bond Episodes


Haruka will be made aware of a current transport of the Other Weapons to Mizuhagawa. She will also find out that General Fubuki is involved. The team will need to head to Mizuhagawa District to investigate. This is where they will come across Naomi and Kodama Platoon. Fubuki will explain that he needed extra help to go against Karen and turned to the Other weapons, but mid conversation, Arashi will deliver a blow and reveal that Fubuki is actually Kodama's twin in diguise, Yuta Melone. This will iniate a fight against Kodama and her twin. After their defeat, they will resort to using the Others, including Naomi, against them. They will also be joined by the Design Children from Togetsu and Naomi will lead an attack against them to protect Kasane. This will lead to Naomi's death.

Karen will seem to appear out of nowhere and will once again take a copy of Kasane's powers before mentioning Yuito's name and teleporting out. Haruka is able to locate Yuito Platoon at Arahabaki Secure Site. Before the next adventure, the team will need to take a rest at the Hideout and initiate a stanbdy phase. 


Arahabaki Secure Site



  • Phase 9


  1. Travel to Arahabaki Secure Site
  2. Reach Yuito
  3. Defeat the Dispen Fisher
  4. Travel to Suoh City


While in Arahabaki, they will receive a video transmission of Chief Sumeragi revealing that Yakumo Sumeragi is still alive. Shortly, they will be attacked by a major other, Dispen Fisher. Defeat the Dispen Fisher and Hanabi will be heard after the short earthquake. Yuito will be found unconscious and will be at risk of losing his memories. The teams call out to him and send him their memories to bring him back.

The teams will return to Suoh and they will be joined by General Fubuki. He will be hurt when they encounter him and they will all have to return to the Hideout together. They will decide to share one hideout and Standby Phase 9 will occur. 





  • Phase 10


  1. Conclusion and an Accidental Meeting
  2. Follow Kagero and Yuito to Kikuchiba
  3. Locate Kagero and Yuito
  4. Return to Togetsu
  5. Shut down BABE
  6. Escape the area
  7. Escape the Court Mort
  8. Leave the Area
  9. Travel back to meet Wakana
  10. Locate Wakana
  11. Partake in available Bond Episodes


The Phase starts with a discussion on their next step. The new plan is to ultimately shut down BABE and to use General Fubuki Spring for negotiations between New Himuka government and the Seiron provisional government. Kagero will want to privately speak to Yuito and will leave the area to meet him in Kikuchiba. Kasane will then also have something to tell everyone else. She will admit that Kagero was the one who assassinated Joe Sumeragi.  The teams will decide to follow them int Kikuchiba. Clear the Enemies and Others on the way and reach the objective point to reach them. The teams will reach them where Kagero will explain himself. Kagero will then talk about their history and how he left his family behind. His original task was to make Earth fail. The next task would be to head to Togetsu. Cut through Hieno Mountains and clear the Enemies on the way. Reach the midpoint to activate a cutscene. 


The teams use SAS: Invisibility to enter Togetsu. It seems the Design Children were expecting them and they are forced to teleport closer to BABE using Luka's SAS: Teleportation. They will be greeted by a group of Others. Once they reach BABE, they will be faced with a vision and both Yuito and Kasane will call her "mom," Wakana. She will try to lure Kasane in with their memories together. The terminal will admit to using human brains as parts for BABE. They will be forced to leave and Tsugumi will sense a big Other on its way. The Court Mort battle will commence and you will be forced to run instead of fighting it. Once they escape the area, BABE will implement emergency procedures and it will appear to have shut down. Since they no longer have access to the research data, they will need to look for someone who is knowledgeable about it. Luka will suggest someone who knows about the red strings, Wakana. Kasane will then want to use the red strings to ask her directly.

The team will then soon find their way to the Kunad Gate. They will choose to travel back to October 2009, at the Old OSF Hospital where they can find Wakana. Locate Wakana and speak to her. An Other warning will appear and Kasane and Wakana will have to look for the young Yuito who ran off. Kasane will save Yuito and put on his treasured ear cuff. She will continue to speak with Wakana and they will both jump back to the present and they return to the Hideout, then the next standby phase will occur. This is where more Bond Episodes can be completed.


Kunad Highway



  • Phase 11


  1. Feeling Unraveled Time Together Quest
  2. Travel to the Chronos Terminal
  3. Unravel the Entanglements
  4. Parktake in available Bond Episodes



They will have some time to catch up at the Hideout, then they will be told Yuito and Kasane will have to enter the Kunad Gate to unravel the entanglements. They will both then need to travel to the Chronos Terminal. This is where they will encounter Others from their memories. Clear the area as Wakana leads you to the different entanglements. 


Yuito will ask if Kasane would be willing to travel back to the past change history and they will discuss it, but they will both conclude that they wouldn't. After unraveling all the entanglements, they will be pulled back and Wakana will leave. Wakana will return to her time, but will have left them both a message at the Brain terminal. A cutscene of Wakana will show her giving up her brain as she remembers her loved ones for the last time. The Kunad Gate will still remain. They will then talk about their vision that Yakumo Sumeragi was assassinated by Karen, which previously has not happened. They will realize that maybe not all the entanglements were unraveled because of Karen who had previously copied Kasane's powers and traveled back in time. Yuito will then recall what Kaito has said before, that Yakumo was asleep under Suoh and they will decide to look for him themselves so that he can unravel the entanglement. The Standby Phase will then begin. 


Sumeragi Tomb



  • Phase 12


  1. Path to the Future and Freedom Quest
  2. Enter Sumeragi Tomb
  3. Clear the Others
  4. Defeat Dominus Circus
  5. Locate Karen Travers
  6. Defeat Karen Travers
  7. Get Karen Travers' Help



Wataru will say they are asked to go to Sumeragi Tomb.  As they arrive, a cutscene will begin. They will be met with Kaito who expresses how proud he is of Yuito for avenging the mother's plan. The teams will then proceed to enter through Sumeragi Tomb. It'll be one straight route until their signal is interrupted and they are met with a vision of OSF Headquarters and a number of Others. Another scene will appear after cleaning the others featuring KarenFubuki, and Alice Ichijo.


As they proceed forward, more of what appears to be Karen's memories will appear. Continue forward and the third memory will appear after stepping onto the field. Alice will push Karen out of the way before she is suddenly transformed into an Other when she came into contact with the Extinction Belt.

Continue through the tomb while clearing Others. Follow the path at the end to trigger a cutscene. A masked figure will reveal himself to also be Karen. Both Karens will converse and one will disappear. Karen is still trying to obtain the Red Strings and they will find out that they incorporated a living human, Yakumo, into Arahabaki. Arahabaki was also used to generate a brain field to conceal this current location. Karen will want to time travel while the teams try to reason with him. They fight him to prevent him from time traveling and creating another entanglement. Suddenly his memories and feelings will start to materialize as other forms and figures.  


The team will finally use their bonds and combined strength to fight against Karen and defeat him. Karen will want to continue to fight until Fubuki steps in between. Fubuki tries to comfort him and tells him that he has to find a way to live in this world without Alice. The team will ask one more time for help unraveling the entanglement. Karen will make one last suggestion- to use Arahabaki to enhance their powers and move the Extinction Belt into the Kunad gates and solve two problems at once. Together, they head to the Kunad Gate. They finally allow Karen to copy their powers and they make the attempt to move the extinction belt and it starts to work. The last thing to do is to enter directly into the Chronus Terminal.


But Karen will go back on his word and will jump through time one last time to look for Alice. The red strings will start to appear and they will find that the Kunad Gate has closed thanks to Karen and the story will end here.


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